
Environmental Refugees

Climate Change is an inter-disciplinary subject. The effects of climate change includes adverse weather conditions, rise in sea level, and natural disasters have resulted in an increasing number of people fleeing a country or in need to be relocated. As a consequence, they end up as refugees in other countries. They are called as Environmental Refugees.

It has been estimated that by 2080, around one billion people will be migrating due to climate change. As such is a subject of interest for Industrialized Countries as well as Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as those from the Pacific and the Maldives which are the first to suffer Climate Change consequences.

Identity document including birth date record is essential for people seeking asylum. However, most of these people lack birth certificate or have never been issued one in their countries. As a process of granting asylum, to identify as an adult or a child, these individuals are asked for age proof document which determines the nature of treatment they receive in the host country. This has resulted in falsified testimonials of age. If the subject cannot be identified as an adult or a child under standard age assessment methods, the estimated age becomes disputed.

D.O.B Foundation recognizes appropriate handling of Child Rights during age disputes and age must be estimated by a reliable and scientific method.  This foundation further emphasizes the establishment of universal protocol of age assessment which is supported World Summit of Climate Change Engineering (WSCCE), World Climate Change Council (WCCC) and Instituto Aguas Da Terra (Waters of the Earth Institute).

(Extracted from the presentation delivered by Dr Jayakumar Jayaraman at the Small Island Developing States meeting on 6 August 2012 in United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand)